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Old 09-19-2017, 04:32 AM   #1
X·Zero Developer
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Default What's news at XZeroScripts

We have been working on a few changes in how things get done here and I think this is a new good time to share this with you guys. has joined the folks at and their long lineup of web products. I had not been able to spend as much as time as I would like on improving the script and had been thinking about transferring the ownership to someone I know and trust, someone I know will take it forward with energy and passion. Jacob, and his venture Nesote, was the obvious choice since we had been best buddies since college and we started this whole web development career together as one team. While life took us our separate ways, I can't think of a better time to be back together.

I wrote XZero all the way from scratch while I was in college - three times over, and an attempted fourth rewrite back in 2006 which I couldn't complete - and this is something very close to my heart. I started out with a very thin version of the script before I decided to scrape the whole thing, write it again from the ground up and market it as a product. I witnessed the heights of it being hailed as one of the best classified scripts out there to the very tough times when people decided to pirate it and blatantly sell it out as their own. This script and community had become so much a part of me and it was not an easy decision to take. But I believe this is the right thing to do for the future of the script as well as for you as a customer.

What is changing, for the better
Things are only going to get better here at You will see the script getting more polished and possibly more scripts joining the line up here. Nesote has a dedicated team to support their products 24/7 and to provide installation and customization services as well. So you will find faster answers to your questions and better tools and support to make your site the way you want it.*While the team at Nesote has taken over ownership since June, I will still be around and will be answering your questions in the forum until the new team fully ramps up.

Thank you!
While you will still see me around here, I wanted to take this moment to thank you guys for all the support and encouragement (and criticism) you have provided all this long. While I am not naming anyone explicitly, a big thank you to all of you - those who are still around here and those who have decided to move on - for being there and supporting me. Wishing happy times ahead for you and your family and all the blessing and success in your endeavors.
Davis John
X·Zero Developer
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