Why XZero Classifieds?
6.0.4 ::
XZero Community Classifieds is a powerful, feature rich, easy to use, turn key classifieds script with focus on local communities - globally. Written in PHP, one of the most available and affordable scripting solutions on the web and powered by the pouplar MySQL database system, XZero Community Classifieds works on the idea of providing a meeting place for buyers and sellers of a community: very much like the most popular classifieds sites out there on the web like Craigslist or GumTree. We would hate to call it a Craigslist clone because although the basic idea evolves from Craigslist, XZero Community Classifieds has got its own unique specialities. With quick and easy installation, configurable and streamlined user interface, and a powerful admin area it has got everything that you wanted from a script of its kind. Want to know more? Take a test ride of the online demo!
What's New •
More Features •
Language Packs •
Configuration •
Attract more users
No one likes signing up. XZero takes
users straight to the posting process,
letting them manage their posts via an email publishing kit.
Less hassle, more conversions.
Configure each category according to your needs.
Define custom fields that can hold text, numbers
or dropdowns and let users browse or
search through them.
Keep it secure
Captcha, IP block, bad word filter, a basic spam
filter together with solid admin login protection keeps your site secure.
Earn money
Earn by charging users for posting to specific sections,
featuring their ads or extending them - all through
an automated PayPal gateway. Easily integrate Google AdSense.
Language support
Language packs for English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
and Chinese are bundled. And you can always add your own translations
from the admin.
And more...
Event calendar, image submissions, RSS feeds, search
engine friendly URLs
and more!
What's new!
Mobile friendly theme.
Significant improvement in database performance.
No more cron jobs; script handles routine tasks by itself.
Canonical link to resolve duplicate content issues.
New Portuguese language pack.
View full changelog
Key Features:
No user registration needed to post!
Free to post ads
Users may pay to make ads Featured
Users may pay to make ads run longer
Unlimited categories and subcategories
Unlimited regions, cities and areas
Ability to add custom fields for each section
Complete search feature, including custom fields
Event Calendar
Image Submissions
Email verification for ads
Image verification for spam protection
Picture upload with ads
Automatic resizing of photos to reduce dimensions and size
Option for users to report abuse
Automatic expiration of ads after a configurable duration
Specify ad expiration time for each section
Automatic deletion of ads after a configuratble number of abuse reports
Form to email the poster, with attachment, without revealing his email
Block certain attachments, like EXEs
RSS feed of listings with configuration options
Search engine friendly urls for ads (using mod_rewrite)
Language file to change the text used on the site
Setup different featured and extended ad options from the admin
Automated Paypal gateway
Control all aspects of ads from the admin
Block users by IP address
Bad word filter
Charge users for posting to selected categories/cities.
Now supports formatting in ads.
Added basic spam filter.
Added mass IP block.
"Postable" categories and regions.
"Required" custom fields.
Mobile friendly theme.
and many more...!
Language Packs:
Don't have a translation for your language? Don't worry, you can always add more from the language editor in the admin area.
Configuration Options:
Note: These options are set from the configuration file rather than from the admin; so you won't find them in the demo.
Site language
Initial city to show ads from
Enable/disable event calendar
Enable/disable image submissions
Show/hide left and right sidebars
Sort locations and categories alphabetically
Number of columns for showing categories
Ads/images per page
Show number of ads next to categories
Show number of ads next to subcategories
Number of pictures uploadable per ad
Maximum picture filesize
Allowed picture file types
Width and height of resized pictures and thumbnails
JPEG quality of resized images
Currency symbol to use
Enable/disable image verification
String to replace bad words with
Show/hide latest ads in homepage and number of ads to show
Show/hide category list in the left sidebar
Maximum number of abuse reports needed to automatically delete an ad
File types and maximum size of attachements allowed when contacting posters
Number of ads to include in the RSS feed
Number of characters to show for ad description in the RSS feed
Enable/disable featured ads and extended ads
and many more...!
Minimum Requirements:
Apache server
PHP 5.1 or later (with safe_mode OFF and mail() or SMTP enabled)
MySQL 5.0 or later
Get it all now... for just $79.95!